Heck yes you can!!
This past Sunday was the Cobequid Trail half marathon. It was my fifth ever half marathon and one of my most fun. Why fun? Well due to some seriously intense heat, my goal was dropped at about mile 7 and I realized I just needed to finish the race. So, in my last 6 miles I took it easy, walked when I wanted to, and seriously enjoyed myself. I looked at some of the beautiful scenery, enjoyed some crazy music, talked to a few of the race volunteers (had a lovely, fast, talk about lululemon with the lady at the last waterstop) and powered through 13.1 hot freaking miles.
Total Distance (according to Garmin): 13.12 miles
Total Time: 2:18:41
Average Pace: 10:34/mile
Mile 0-1: 9:27
Mile 1-2: 9:35
Mile 2-3: 9:31
Mile 3-4: 9:49
Mile 4-5: 9:56
Mile 5-6: 9:50
Mile 6-7: 10:28
Mile 7-8: 10:55
Mile 8-9: 10:36
Mile 9-10: 11:14
Mile 10-11: 11:26
Mile 11-12: 12:08
Mile 12-13: 12:36
Mile 13-13.12: 1:04 (8:51 pace)
Yeah, I probably went out too fast, but I felt pretty damn good for the first few miles and I decided that I was going to run how I felt. When I felt good, I picked up the pace. When I didnt feel good, I slowed down (or walked). Im not dissapointed in the least that I didnt make my goal (sub 2:10 was my goal). An August race is a pretty wicked little beast that caught me off guard and I realized that 2:10 was not happening. Once I accepted that, I just had some fun (see a trend here?).
Anyways, I have another half marathon in October (PEI) that the hotel room has officially been booked for, so all we have to do is register for the race and it will be a for sure thing. This will be my sisters first half marathon. Theres not much I can say about that, other then I dont think Ive ever been so proud of someone. She is killing running. So that is super exciting. And Ive made a goal of completing one speedwork a week (along with a long run and maybe a brick workout) a week until that date. I want to get under 210, and although I might readjust that goal closer to the date (faster, not slower) and to do that, I have to work on my SPEED.
Triathlon is fast approaching, 12 days and Im so freaking excited. My friend Allison just did her first ever sprint tri (same distance Im doing) and she said it was amazing. Im officially joining the HTC (Halifax Triathlon club) this Thursday night. Ive been talking to the coordinator for a few weeks now trying to get a workout in with them so I could join/pay my fees and Im finally doing it on Thursday!
Here are my pre- and post- half marathon pictures (sorry, no action shots this week) from the weekend. I think the smile in my post run picture speaks for itself. I was so happy to be done, and I felt good.