Monday, May 2, 2011

20 days.

That's it. 20 days until my marathon. This past week was low on activity but that's okay. Last long run of the training is complete and it was (dare I say it) a mild success.

Wednesday- 3 mile treadmill run
Thursday- 60 minute strength and length yoga class
Saturday- 18 mile run (3:23- 11:19 pace)
Sunday- 60 minute Moksha class

The pain in my knee started around mile 6 of my run and was bearable until about 14. After that I REALLY had to focus on my form and what it was going to be like in the marathon. I know Im going to be in pain during the run and I need to be able to BREATH and RUN through it.

No body pump this week. I might go to one this week, but definitely not after this week. This weeks longest run is looking like its going to be about 10 miles and Im looking forward to a non-soul crushing distance. Haha marathon training has completely changed my perception on running and distance.

The countdown is ON.