Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Good Days

So, since I got an extension on my paper I figured Id update this thing for the first time in a while...also to brag about all my awesome food I ate today, and my great workout and what not. Todays food:

Breakfast: Two slices of potato bread with natural crunchy peanut butter and a banana made into a sandwich, with some green tea of course.
Lunch: Lentil and vegetable soup with a whole wheat pita, Spinach/mushroom/orange pepper salad with olive oil dressing.
Supper:Two egg omlette with mushrooms and cheddar and some delicious homemade sweet potato fries.

I just feel like Ive had a lot of fresh, unprocessed (except for the soup) foods, and one of my favourite things was that there was a super variety of different kinds of tastes.

Also I had a really great run/workout. I FINALLY made it to the weightroom, I built up some courage after a really awesome run (2 miles in 18:11) and just went for it. Im going to try and do that at least 3 times a week from now on.

This past weekend I had another long run. Got just under 9 miles in, probably around 8.75 and I did it in 1:33, which Im happy with. Hopefully this weekend I can get up to 10 miles and stay there for about 3 weeks, and Im going to really start working on pacing and splits. My goal for this half (if I can stay injury free) is 2:15 so its going to be hard but I think I can do it! Thats about a 10:30 mile throughout the entire thing and I would really love a negative split so maybe a bit faster than that for my last 6 miles. Once I have my actual plan of mile splits and what not, Ill be sure to put it on here.

In other exciting running news: I finally got new running shoes!! Ive had my current ones since August and have run and trained for two half marathons so I was definitely ready for new ones. I got the Mizuno Wave Riders! Here's a picture:

I have yet to run in them but Im hoping my feet adjust quickly because these ones have got a bit less cushioning then Im used to. Sometimes on long runs I get a bit of pressure pain in my feet and Im hoping these will help.

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