Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Natal Day Road Race 2010

So, gotta say, I love racing a distance for the first time..getting a PR no matter is a pretty awesome feeling. And completing this 6 mile race (without dying, which is what I thought would happen when you ran the 6 miler on Natal Day when I was a kid) did feel amazing! Didn't get my goal of 55 minutes, but got the sub hour done no problem. Here are my Garmin stats:

Total Distance: 6.10 miles
Total Time: 57:09 (chip time was 57:08)
Average Pace: 9:23 minute/mile
Mile 0-1: 9:03
Mile 1-2: 8:56
Mile 2-3: 9:17
Mile 3-4: 9:30
Mile 4-5: 10:21
Mile 5-6: 9:14
Mile 6-6.1: 0:43 (7:33 pace)

Very happy with my time and pace. The absolute biggest struggle of the Natal Day 6 mile road race is that it is 3 laps of one hilly loop. Now, Ive been doing the 2 mile race for as long as I can remember and wrapping my head around doing that two more times than usual was difficult. First lap flew by (2 mile split time was 17:59, which was a personal best over last year by about 40 seconds) and the second was killer, both mentally and physically. I struggled through the last lap but managed to keep up a decent pace. All in all, it was a great experience and a great run, and I have no idea what distance Im gonna do next year!

So Ive got a nice little renewed dose of race fever. Races coming up that I want/am most likely going to do:

Navy 10km Run August 22nd

Cobequid Trail Half Marathon August 29th

Shubie Dooby Triathlon September 12th (Doing this one, and PEI for sure)

PEI Half Marathon October 17th

As long as I budget wisely and keep my eating/drinking under control, I know Ill be in excellent shape for all these events. So excited for the rest of this summer! For these reasons and many many more!

Another big brick workout in the morning, 20km bike and a 5km run (first time biking this long of a distance all at once), so bed will be coming very soon.

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